"In Praise Of Slow"
"The Slow movement is gathering steam, with more and more people around the world finding ways to put on the brakes. That word "slow" is popping up everywhere as shorthand for a new approach to time and pace. Think slow money, slow football, slow travel, slow art, slow leadership, slow research.
Or slow email. These days, even technophiles are warming to the idea of speed limits on the information superhighway. A senior manager at IBM now appends this rallying cry to every email he sends: "Read your mail just twice each day. Recapture your life's time and relearn to dream. Join the slow email movement!"
Or slow email. These days, even technophiles are warming to the idea of speed limits on the information superhighway. A senior manager at IBM now appends this rallying cry to every email he sends: "Read your mail just twice each day. Recapture your life's time and relearn to dream. Join the slow email movement!"
Carl Honoré, inpraiseofslow.com